Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Jump from the sinking ship.

Or, as some other websites have put it, "Guess the mystery republican." At least someone realizes the ship is sinking and its time to bail out!

Notice that they aren't brave enough to say who they are. Pansies.

Monday, July 24, 2006


Sometimes I have to wonder exactly how stupid politicians think we all are? Has anyone, especially the President's Press Secretary, actually taken a look at the wording of this Bill that passed the Senate and the House? The one that Bush, for the first time in his Presidency, has chosen to veto.

Perhaps they should read it. It allows for unused blastocysts from fertilization clinics to be used for medical research That's it, only extra embryos left over from fertility treatments. Do you know what usually happens to those blastocysts? They get thrown in the trash, to the tune of 400,000 embryos. And, those people allowing their excess embryos to be used have to provide informed, written, consent that they could not receive compensation, etc.
The president did not use that term the next day at the veto ceremony, but he did say he objected to the legislation because it "would support the taking of innocent human life in the hope of finding medical benefits for others."
How is using embryos that are otherwise headed to the trash bin, to better human life, 'murder'? In a culture of life wasting them to the trash can is better than possibly curing horrible diseases?

Seriously, this President is not about life. He allowed 150 people to be executed while he was Governor of Texas, he didn't accept a single plea. Including one from a woman who'd since become a Christian and repented.

Apparently you are only worthy of life if you aren't age to be drafted, and aren't a civilian in Afghanistan, Iraq or Lebanon. Because its pretty close to murdering our soldiers in my eyes when you send them into an illegal war without the proper armor and equipment.

When commercials are cool.

This is the coolest commercial I've seen in a long time. Animated clothing makes an underwater environment for a washing machine advertisement. Tripping.

Another one of my recent favorites is the identity theft ones the Science Fiction Channel has been playing in heavy rotation. The two old ladies who sound like the men who took their credit cards to buy motorcycles.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

There's just something not right...

... with our President. Now he's groping the heads of foreign powers. This is not your Mistress, this is not your Daughter, this is a Foreign Head of State. Not every culture understands or want's pats from a Good Old Boy! And, she does NOT look amused.

I thought I'd washed it all out!

Apparently I missed a spot or eighty. Back to the cleaners! Get out the Bleach!

You Are 86% New Jersey!

Wow, you're totally Jersey. There's no doubt about it. Congratulations, and always be proud to be Jersey--it's a great thing to be!

How New Jersey Are You?

Feeling like Chicken Little

Ezekiel 30:3-5 For the Day of the Lord is near; it will be a day of clouds, a time of doom for the nations. And a sword will come upon Egypt, and anguish will be in Ethiopia when the slain fall in Egypt, they take away her wealth, and her foundations are torn down. Ethiopia, Put, Lud, all Arabia, Libya, and the people of the land that is in league will fall with them by the sword.
It seems to be a repeated theme in the media these days. Randi Rhodes mentioned it Friday in on her show, Glenn Beck mentions it below on the television. I can't help but remember all the studies of Revelation in school, and later studies of Nostradamus; all which seem to indicate the start of World War III, or its equivilent indicating the end of days starting in the middle east. Put, in the passage above refers to modern day Iran, by the way, the financial backing for Hezbollah.

Don't worry, its just a sobering line of thought. Things are gettign a little out of hand there, you must admit. I'm not prepared to go a bit crazy like the folks at Rapture Ready. Silly people even track prophecy indicators up and down like the stock market.

So, watch Glenn Beck and see if you agree that its' started already. His things known and unknown are fairly interesting; we are lacking some serious world-wide leadership, Bush, Blair, Putin, they are all a bit.. well.. spineless.

Monday, July 17, 2006

You go Rahm!

In response to the same report on White House Salaries that I commented on a few days ago, Illinois Democratic Represenative Rahm Emmaunuel delivered this slap to the Administration:

"Mr. Speaker, yesterday the President said we continue to be wise about how we spend the people's money.

"Then why are we paying over $100,000 for a 'White House Director of Lessons Learned'?

"Maybe I can save the taxpayers $100,000 by running through a few of the lessons this White House should have learned by now.

"Lesson 1: When the Army Chief of Staff and the Secretary of State say you are going to war without enough troops, you're going to war without enough troops.

"Lesson 2: When 8.8 billion dollars of reconstruction funding disappears from Iraq, and 2 billion dollars disappears from Katrina relief, it's time to demand a little accountability.

"Lesson 3: When you've 'turned the corner' in Iraq more times than Danica Patrick at the Indy 500, it means you are going in circles.

"Lesson 4: When the national weather service tells you a category 5 hurricane is heading for New Orleans, a category 5 hurricane is heading to New Orleans.

"I would also ask the President why we're paying for two 'Ethics Advisors' and a 'Director of Fact Checking.'

"They must be the only people in Washington who get more vacation time than the President.

"Maybe the White House could consolidate these positions into a Director of Irony."

The truth stings, doesn't it? I think Monty Python did a comedy scetch about this administration like twenty years ago; The Department of Redundancy Department.

Update, July 18: Video Now Available from YouTube.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

It explains just so many things.

There have been several articles recently on Dr. James Dobson. Ten or fifteen years ago, I thought he was a pretty interesting gentleman, as some of his films on the family where improving things, especially from the viewpoint of a Psychology major in a parochial college.

Since then I've seen him attack parts of my life, over which I have little control, time and again. Some of the contents of these articles sheds light on a number of things. The first is the Carpetbagger Report, listed above, from a liberal perspective; and then an article from a Colorado magazine.
Have you ever wondered why Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family is such a nutcase? Why is he so obsessed with the sex lives of people he doesn't even know? Why does he hate gay people so much? Why does he claim to love Jesus so much, and then behave in a vicious manner so unlike Christ?
The magazine is fairly neutral, to even positive on his side, but still contains things that are, concerning.
“James Dobson believes that he has been entirely sanctified, morally perfected, that he does not and cannot sin. Now you know why he and moralists like him make a life of condemning what he believes to be the sins of others. He is perfect.”
Since he doesn't live in a glass house, he can throw stones at everyone else? What kind of a philosophy or modus operandi is that? The article has a few points, and raises a few questions. Child psychology was a speciality of mine in school, some of the things described in his formative years usually lead to personality disorders in adulthood; the mental and physical abuse, the animal cruelty, etc.

And I'd like to thank him very much for his narrow view of women, as he recounts in his book Bringing up Boys:
“Because it is the privilege and blessing of women to bear children, they are inclined toward predictability, stability, security, caution, and steadiness. Most of them value friendships and family above accomplishments or opportunities. That is why they often dislike change and resist moving from one city to another. The female temperament lends itself to nurturance, caring, sensitivity, tenderness, and compassion.”
As the Denver magazine article points out, the man has a lot of political and social clout, maybe too much; especially for someone with such a drastically conservative stance.

Edit: July 18, 2006 Denver Magazine 5280 takes another swing at Dobson for falsifying research to make it appear to support his stand that Gay's do not make good parents!

Final Fantasy III comes to the US!

top_logo.jpgFor old school gaming geeks, and Final Fantasy fans, this has to be the most anticipated title of the year. This is the one Final Fantasy title that has never been translated and released outside of Asia. It was the first Final Fantasy to feature the job changing system that has been a large part of the series since, even in recent console titles such as X-2 and the MMORPG. It was originally released for the Famicon (Nintendo Family Computer, known as the Nintendo Entertainment System or NES in North America) in 1990.

This spring Square Co., Ltd. announced that it would be receiving an enhanced remake for the Nintendo DS portable game system with an update to 3D graphics that would retain a visual design true to the original. It is slated for an August 2006 release in Japan, and an October 2006 release in North America.

  • 0305-32-12_pm05a.jpgThe composer of the original versions musical score, Nobuo Uematsu, is supervising the arrangement of the music and creating a new main orchestral theme.

  • There is a new artist, Akihiko Yoshida, revamping the character designs.

  • Some rumors seem to confirm some changes and re-balancing being done to the job system, as well as the inclusion of some new abilities and a new job class.

Since E3 there has been a slew of new information, game play previews, and even an official trailer. This one looks like a winner.

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Saturday, July 15, 2006

Want To Be A SuperHero?


I've avoided reality television since its inception; I really did think it was almost as silly and pointless as professional wrestling. The Science Fiction channel's new reality show "Who wants to be a Superhero?" looks like it actually might be an amusing spoof on most regularly televised reality shows. I mean, really, they can't be serious; Monkey Woman? Her special power is devices disguised as bananas.

head_monkeywoman.jpgStan Lee, venerable comic hero created and Marvel Comics master is involved in the project, which lends it a bit of credibility. The show will begin airing on July 27th, 2006 on the SciFi Channel, and its described by them as:

From all walks of life have come 11 very different people, all out to prove to legendary comic-book creator Stan Lee that they have what it takes to be a true superhero. But as they're about to learn, it takes more than a sharp costume and cool powers to be a hero - because for a true superhero, it's what kind of person you are that counts the most….

Everything on the site about the show is moderately amusing from the collection of video auditions to Fat Momma's theme song. It would be nice if the make-your-own-hero function let you choose something other than a male model. And since its based off software RolePlaying gamers have been using to make pictures of their table-top gaming characters for years, I know female models are available. But then again, I suppose that goes well with the stereotypical skimpy outfits on the female heroes other than Fat Momma. Skimpie suits sell.

It may turn out to be lame, but I suppose we'll give it a go for an episode or three.

Friday, July 14, 2006

New Hackers Turn to Old Tools

Seems that since people have learned, often the hard way, not to click on links in unsolicited email messages that the Internet Bad Guys have gone back in time to an old standby - Ma Bell.

USA Today's Article on "Internet con artists turn to 'vishing'" tells us that, ""If you get a telephone call where someone is asking you to provide or confirm any of your personal information, immediately hang up and call your financial institution with the number on the back of the card," said Paul Henry, a vice president with Secure Computing Corp. "If it was a real issue, they can address the issue."

Is it October 6th Yet?

Watch this and you'll understand why!

This video makes me cry. I don't think I can wait until October. Film Faster Dang it!

If you haven't been watching the Science Fiction channel's new Battlestar Galactica series you are missing something wonderful. This isn't your grade school Battlestar Galactica with kids, stuffed robotic bears and cliches around every corner.

This is a whole new twist for the 21st Century. Its dark, its gritty, the characters are real, and have more baggage than Amtrak. The cylons? Well, they look human now. Is there one on your ship? And Lucy Lawless is amazing as one of the Cylon models hiding as a television journalist on one of the ships in the fleet. The Director call it a re-imagining of the classic.

For starters, there are many more strong female characters than there were in the first show; including Starbuck and the President of the Colonies. And the Cylon women will rock your socks off! Find out all that and more in an extensive wikipedia entry on the show.

Don't miss it, try it if you haven't. Seasons One and Two are out on DVD for reasonable prices, and the Science Fiction Channel will, no doubt, run more repeats.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Caffiene Based Life Form Blogs Here

Solution to Gamer Funk?

Is it possible? Could it be? Because there are some ripe geeks out there in GeekLand. If such a social malady could be solved I could sell my stock in Febreeze. Otherwise the elevators of many a convention hotel will continue to smell oddly of wildflowers.

Gamer Soap

Get Gamer's Soap now for the smelly geek near you! Each bar comes with an actual d20 die hidden inside; they'll be forced to wash to access it!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Overpaid & Underdeveloped White House Staff

There is just too much comedic potential in this article. Take the following excerpts for example:

Misir, Deborah Nirmala Ethics Advisor $114,688
Baker, Stuart Director for Lessons Learned $106,641
Dornburg, Erica M. Ethics Advisor $100,547
Forgy, Michael O. Director, Training and Exercise Policy $100,547

Ethics Advisor? They obviously aren't doing their jobs, are they? Or at least they aren't transmitting any of that information to the President and his staff. And Director for Lessons Learned? I really do just want to roll around on the floor laughing my back side off? They don't learn from lessons they just ignore them or sweep them under the carpet.

Director, Training and Exercise Policy? That's super important to the nation, that we have a President and pooch in wonderful physical shape, never mind about his mental state. Oh, and don't forget to have a physical training policy to attempt to impose on all of your allies.

Free Piglet!

I know this story is a little older, but then again I am slow and old myself. Winnie the Pooh was a childhood favorite of mine, and the Tigger in my soul required me to comment on it even at this late date in the defense of my friends from the 100 Acre Wood.
Muslims Win Toy Pig Ban: Workers in the benefits department at Dudley Council, West Midlands, were told to remove or cover up all pig-related items, including toys, porcelain figures, calendars and even a tissue box featuring Winnie the Pooh and Piglet.
And it isn't just there;
School Bans Pig Stories: A West Yorkshire head teacher has banned books containing stories about pigs from the classroom in case they offend Muslim children.

Porcelain Pigs offend Muslims: LEICESTER -- Police here in central England seized a collection of porcelain pigs from a house's window sill after Muslims complained that they were offensive.
How can a story about an anthropomorphic fictional character be offensive? Or little figurines someone collects? Practicing Jews have the same dietary restrictions and don't find "Three little pigs" offensive. I can understand the restriction, but it isn't as if Winnie Pooh is stuffing a pork roast under anyone's nose, or the woman was hanging out of her window taunting them with sausages.

I wonder where the tolerance has gone? Has it always been gone? I suppose if I could answer those questions Homeland Security would write me a large check. One of the podcasts I find very interesting is History according to Bob. Over the past few weeks he's done short lectures on the life of the Prophet, Islamic sects, the crusades, etc. And I've been listening to an interesting audio book on the crusades from the Islamic point of view.

One of the things he pointed out is that the early Muslims considered people of Jewish and Christian faith to be 'near brothers'; or believers in the same one God. Infidels were originally those who did not believe in the one God. He pointed out that the Prophet even had a Jewish and Christian wife. In doing some web research on that fact, the Jewish wife is listed in many places, and a Christian named 'Mary' is listed as a concubine. However, some of these sites contradict themselves on other facts, so I can't determine their accuracy.

So where did the intolerance, hate and fanaticism come from? Or issues like the one below, listed on Dhimmi-Watch:
Dhimmitude is the status that Islamic law, the Sharia, mandates for non-Muslims, primarily Jews and Christians. Dhimmis, "protected people," are free to practice their religion in a Sharia regime, but are made subject to a number of humiliating regulations designed to enforce the Qur'an's command that they "feel themselves subdued" (Sura 9:29). This denial of equality of rights and dignity remains part of the Sharia, and, as such, is part of the law that global jihadists are laboring to impose everywhere, ultimately on the entire human race.
Those do not sound to me like the teachings of the Prophet? But then again, I don't suppose Christianity has done much better at remaining true to their ideals. They've caused as much, if not more, war, death, assassination and hatred. I suppose we can just chalk it all up to the phenomenon of social dynamics; following the masses, no matter what path they are walking down.

Monday, July 10, 2006

MA Court backs Gay Marriage on Ballot.

BOSTON (AP) -- The same court that made Massachusetts the first state to legalize gay marriage ruled Monday that a proposed constitutional amendment to ban future same-sex marriages can be placed on the ballot, if approved by the Legislature.

The ruling was in a lawsuit brought by gay-rights supporters who argued that Attorney General Tom Reilly was wrong to approve the ballot measure because they said the state constitution bars any citizen-initiated amendment that seeks to reverse a judicial ruling.

In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Judicial Court said the proposed amendment is not a ''reversal'' of the court's ruling legalizing gay marriage but a proposed change to the state constitution, which can be legally done through a citizen initiative.

Score another round for intolerance. Since the original ruling allowing gay marriage in Mass, over 8,000 couples have gotten married. Does it really harm the concept of marriage all that much to let other people have the same benefits? That's really what we are talking about, or, at least I am. I don't need the word, I can give things my own meaning. What I want are the social and legal rights and status. I don't want to worry that my partners parents may decide, should she fall ill, that I can not visit, etc. I don't want to worry that should something happen to me, my life insurance company might not honor her as the beneficiary.

Still, right or wrong, and no matter what you think Republicans need to clean their own closets first. They seem to be doing a 'bang up' job of ruining the nuclear family and the state of marriage all on their own:

The above is just a sample, the full list is faithfully maintained in several places on the internet such as Pam's House Blend, and in such articles as this one which is even more specific on at least 10 of our GOP sexually deviant perpetrators. That last one you really do need to look at, because when right wing fanatics start admitting that their first girlfriend was a mule, I really don't want to hear anything about my choice in partners, understand?

When the Right gets just a bit too scary.

This New York Times article outlines right-wing, racially intolerant people using the military for their own purposes. Aryan graffiti in Bagdhad? Free para-military training? I shudder, I do.
"The report said that neo-Nazi groups like the National Alliance, whose founder, William Pierce, wrote "The Turner Diaries," the novel that was the inspiration and blueprint for Timothy J. McVeigh's bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building, sought to enroll followers in the Army to get training for a race war.

The groups are being abetted, the report said, by pressure on recruiters, particularly for the Army, to meet quotas that are more difficult to reach because of the growing unpopularity of the war in Iraq.

The report quotes Scott Barfield, a Defense Department investigator, saying, "Recruiters are knowingly allowing neo-Nazis and white supremacists to join the armed forces, and commanders don't remove them from the military even after we positively identify them as extremists or gang members.'"

Are we that desperate for military recruiting? How about we try a little truth in advertising; oh and proven age-old capitalist methods of retaining talent. Keep them happy. Lower tours of duty, pay them competitive wages, don't make the reservists lose their real jobs and families, give them non-scratchy underwear, decent tank shielding, and oh... KEVLAR PERSONAL ARMOR.

It is long past time to remove our soldiers from the Middle East, Mr. Bush. You did your thing. Now leave the Sunni and Shia to beat on each other without our involvement. They don't need our help, really, they've been having these little pissing matches since their Prophet's grandson died, and they are quite good at it. And deciding who wins that political and religious supremacy match is none of our business.

Summer Reading Free-For-All!

In honor of the 35th Birthday of Project Gutenberg, Free access to all users is granted from July 4th until August 4th, in a World eBook Fair. And, most importantly for the average geek is that Baen Books is offering free PDFs of seventy-four books from their excellent Science Fiction and Fantasy Catalog.

I can personally recommend the works of Andre Norton, David Weber, David Drake, John Ringo, Eric Flint, Holly Lisle and Rosemary Edghill. There are a number of Mercedes Lackey titles available, and while she isn't great literature she can be a fast and entertaining read if that is what you are in the mood for.

My top recommendation would be the items from David Weber's Honor Harrington series if you have not read this excellent Military SF series before. Start with On Basilisk Station, and they also have Honor of the Queen and one of the short story anthologies available. Many of his other Science Fiction and Fantasy titles are equally enjoyable.

Next I would recommend John Ringo's March Upcountry, the start of another Military SF series about a spoiled Prince who turns out well. Shadows of the Lion is an delightful collaboration set in a renissance Italy; and Ellon Guon's Bedlam Boyz brings modern elves to light. If you like music, start with Mercedes Lackey's Bardic Tales books, several of which are listed.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Fireworks Factory Explosion

Fireworks Factory explodes in the Netherlands. Weren't they surprised?

There has to be an appropriate caption...

.. For this picture, but I'm not sure what it could possibly be. I can understand protecting one's sensative parts on a penalty kick, but where did the short grabbing enter into it?

Laughing at the Bush Administration

If you appreciate humor poking fun at the current administration and the G.O.P, then you shouldn't miss this site. It has an occasional text article, but mostly it is editorial cartons and some of the most amusing flash animated ones I've seen.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

FCC Song

FCC Song

View on Grouper.comAdd to Blogger Blog

Eric Idle's pot shot at the Republican Administration set to video.

Warning: Contains strong language and images that are not work safe.

Add a video comment to this video

Friday, July 07, 2006

Top Ten Rules of Being Human

  1. You will receive a body. You may like it or hate it, but it's yours to keep for the entire period.
  2. You will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called, "life."
  3. There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of trial, error, and experimentation. The "failed" experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiments that ultimately "work."
  4. Lessons are repeated until they are learned. A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can go on to the next lesson.
  5. Learning lessons does not end. There's no part of life that doesn't contain its lessons. If you're alive, that means there are still lessons to be learned.
  6. "There" is no better a place than "here." When your "there" has become a "here", you will simply obtain another "there" that will again look better than "here."
  7. Other people are merely mirrors of you. You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects to you something you love or hate about yourself.
  8. What you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours.
  9. Your answers lie within you. The answers to life's questions lie within you. All you need to do is look, listen, and trust.
  10. You will forget all this.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

They make 'Leftist' sound like a dirty word...

Dr. Judith Reisman - Updates : From Einstein to Kinsey: How Colleges and Universities Hide the Truth from Our Kids

This is the text from an 'advertisement' placed in the Washington Times on Monday. Do they really believe their own crack?

Um, Dude. Two twisted analogies do not all of science debunk. Besides, I don't mind equating the Big Bang to a divine creation; I can accept that and keep my increasingly 'leftist' philosophy thanks, it doesn't break it.

Pretending the Earth was created in exactly 7 x 24 hour days breaks yours. How do you explain fossils? God's faked, aged, practical jokes?

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Monday, July 03, 2006

I do so love my Dutch.

Somedays its wonderful to be able to claim 100% nederlands ancestry.

Gamer Funk Exposed!

OMG! Truer concepts have never been expressed! I want to run around most conventions with air freshener and spray people.