Monday, July 24, 2006


Sometimes I have to wonder exactly how stupid politicians think we all are? Has anyone, especially the President's Press Secretary, actually taken a look at the wording of this Bill that passed the Senate and the House? The one that Bush, for the first time in his Presidency, has chosen to veto.

Perhaps they should read it. It allows for unused blastocysts from fertilization clinics to be used for medical research That's it, only extra embryos left over from fertility treatments. Do you know what usually happens to those blastocysts? They get thrown in the trash, to the tune of 400,000 embryos. And, those people allowing their excess embryos to be used have to provide informed, written, consent that they could not receive compensation, etc.
The president did not use that term the next day at the veto ceremony, but he did say he objected to the legislation because it "would support the taking of innocent human life in the hope of finding medical benefits for others."
How is using embryos that are otherwise headed to the trash bin, to better human life, 'murder'? In a culture of life wasting them to the trash can is better than possibly curing horrible diseases?

Seriously, this President is not about life. He allowed 150 people to be executed while he was Governor of Texas, he didn't accept a single plea. Including one from a woman who'd since become a Christian and repented.

Apparently you are only worthy of life if you aren't age to be drafted, and aren't a civilian in Afghanistan, Iraq or Lebanon. Because its pretty close to murdering our soldiers in my eyes when you send them into an illegal war without the proper armor and equipment.

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