The Leaning Post of Washington is something we wish could be a memorable monument like the Tower that stands in Pisa; another pinnacle of the DC skyline. However, all they are doing is leaning towards a more and more biased presentation. I really think they are treading into their own delusional realms of fancy; because this piece seems like a complete contradiction to the rest of the news reports. (or anything not directly from the Bush Administration actually.)
“The partisan furor over this allegation led to the appointment of special prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald. Yet after two years of investigation, Mr. Fitzgerald charged no one with a crime for leaking Ms. Plame's name. In fact, he learned early on that Mr. Novak's primary source was former deputy secretary of state Richard L. Armitage, an unlikely tool of the White House. The trial has provided convincing evidence that there was no conspiracy to punish Mr. Wilson by leaking Ms. Plame's identity -- and no evidence that she was, in fact, covert.”
Oh, and if you are of the opinion that Ann Coulter went to far last week in referring to Sen. Edwards as a ‘faggot’; or are annoyed at the fact that she claimed on Fox News that Gay people are not offended by the word: take the time to join in the Human Rights Campaigns action effort to have Universal Press stop syndicating her column. Already two major newspapers have dropped it, and Verizon and other companies have pulled their advertising from her Website.
Joe Solmonese, President of the Human Rights Campaign, has some interesting comments on her actions at The Huffington Post. I think he has it exactly right. We can’t change her, but we can stick her in the wallet, and encourage others to get a clue.
“We are never going to change Ann Coulter -- she will always be hateful and ignorant. However her bigotry is big business. It provides a huge revenue stream for Universal Press Syndicate, the largest independent newspaper syndicate in the world. They are betting than Ann's hate will bring more readers to her columns and they will be left out of the fray. Well they bet wrong. Companies cannot be allowed to profit from hate speech and that's exactly what Universal Press Syndicate does.”
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